It's called grant writing. Alas, there's so much more to grant writing than just "writing."

Successful grant writing always starts with comprehensive and thorough research, and it always ends with a careful and thoughtful review.

Your review should be a combination of proofreading and editing.

So, what's the difference?


Proofreading looks for and corrects basic mistakes including typos, grammar and punctuation. Editing looks for these same errors and more.


One type of editing is simple copy editing. In copy editing, you're fixing basic mistakes and also correcting the formatting and style of the work, ensuring consistency and correctness.

A second type of editing is substantive editing. Like it sounds, this is a more substantial edit. Sometimes, it's called a "heavy edit." The goal is to make your writing more readable. You want to take out jargon and buzzwords. You want to present a logical, coherent and persuasive case. Heavy editing may involve rearranging sections or rewriting them altogether.


When you're writing a grant proposal – and especially as you're editing one – ask yourself, "Is the writing...?"

  • Clear
  • Correct
  • Concise
  • Comprehensible
  • Consistent

Let the 5 'C's be your guide as you're writing and editing your grant proposals, and you'll produce better proposals every time.

Send me a message and let me know if you're challenged by editing, proofreading or both. I love hearing from you and finding ways to help.


Remember, there's more to grant writing than just "writing." Like editing!

Here are three resources that will give you more insight to grant writing and copy editing and how to do both better.

8 Grant Proposal Writing Tips

12 Tips to Help You Edit and Improve Your Writing

Copy Editing Tips, including a detailed explanation of the 5 'C's

Third Sector Consulting helps nonprofits find more funders, win more grants and raise more money.

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